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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales.  At Bickleigh Down C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time where the school family meets together, learns together, reflects together, a time within which children and staff are given a time to be still, to engage and if they feel called, respond. 







Key Stage 1

Whole School Worship


Key Stage Worship

Class Worship

Whole School Worship with Father Simon

Key Stage 2

Whole School Worship

Class Worship


Key Stage 2 Worship

Whole School Worship with Father Simon

Children Leading Worship

At Bickleigh Down C of E Primary School children leading worship is a central part of what we do as a school.  The children will have the following responsibilities.

Before Collective Worship

During Collective Worship

After Collective Worship

Setting up

The children will:

  • Selecting and setting up CD
  • Putting out chairs
  • Prepare the worship table
  • The children will ring the bell to call the school to worship.


The children will:

  • Saying a welcoming sentence.
  • Organise school notices.

Clearing up 

The children will:

  • Hold doors open for those leaving.
  • Put away equipment and chairs.
  • Turn off candles.



The children will:

  • Greet the other children at door
  • Meet visitors at main entrance (and help them to set up)


The children will:

  • Introduce a visitor or the storyteller
  • Take part in Drama activities such as Open the Book.
  • Support teachers with music, video clips and PowerPoint slides.


The children will:

  • Record a log book detailing what the school had learnt about in Collective Worship.
  • Ask the visitor or the person leading worship to sign the log book to say that it is a true representation of what they have learnt.


The children will:

  • Choose music and songs to be sung in worship that link to our theme.
  • Write their own prayers to share at the end of worship.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Read or saying prayers.
  • Leading actions or signing to songs.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Use the Imaginor Evaluation grid.
  • Work together to look at evaluations and plan the next steps for Collective Worship.
  • Share evaluation findings with Governors and school SLT.



The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Switch off the candles.
  • Saying the ‘Grace’ or other closing prayer


Format taken from 'Children leading worship' by Helen Matter.

What have we been learning about in Collective Worship?

9th September 2022

Today, Father Simon led a special Collective Worship to remember Her Majesty The Queen.  As a school, we reflected on her life, learnt more about her strong Christian faith and celebrated the wonderful things that she has done.  Our Year 6 Collective Worship Leaders wrote a prayer for our time of reflection.

Father God,

Thank you for Her Majesty The Queen and for her service to us, her people.  Thank you for her faith in you.  She has been a blessing to us from you.  We pray for the Royal Family as they grieve for the Queen.  We thank you for His Royal Highness King Charles III and we pray that you will be with him in the days ahead.


Autumn Term 2022

In Collective Worship this term we will be focusing on our School Vision which is based on Hebrews 10:24 'and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds'.  The children will be thinking about what this means for them in and outside of our school community and finding out about how this features in the Bible.  Later in the term, we will be finding out about our Christian Value of 'Love' and how Christians today live this out in their local, national and global communities.  We will also be reflecting on how we as a school community can show love to others and spur them on towards good deeds.