
Bickleigh Down CofE Primary School

‘Spurring each other on with love’

Year 1

Welcome to the Autumn term in Year One. We have lots of exciting topics planned and new things to learn! 

Our main topics this term :

Science: Animals including Humans.

Geography : Where I Live (My local area).

Music: Hey You! (Singing and glockenspiels).

PSHE: Relationships (What is the same and different about us).


Please see our weekly letters attached to the Year One class page for more details about the topics and key learning involved. These weekly letters also give information about home learning activities as well as Maths and English key learning areas. You can also look at the curriculum overviews for each subject on the school website.  

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will answer your queries as soon as we can. 

Thank you for your support, 

The Year One Team. 

Hello and welcome to Year One!


1M Class Teacher is Mrs McTaggart.


1CP Class Teachers are Mrs Cusack  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) & Mrs Pring (Thursday and Friday).


Year One's Teaching Assistants are Mrs Perryman and Mrs Collier.


PE – this will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Books – Each week the children will be given the opportunity to change their reading book . 

Drinks – Please ensure your child has a NAMED bottle of water with them each day. Fruit is still provided but they now take this into the playground. 

Diaries – The children are asked to bring their diary in each morning; please encourage your child to show their diary to the class teacher if there is a written message to ensure the teacher reads it as soon as possible.


Homework -  Please continue to read with your child whenever possible (15 minutes per day) and practise the sounds on the speed sound charts that can be found further down this page. 


Thank you.


